Wedding Planning Tips

6 Gifts Your Bridesmaids Will Actually Want

Bridesmaid is the word for the month of March here at The Belle in A Veil and we are darn tootin’ tickled pink about it!

I mean, lets face it, your chicks are your life (beside’s your hubby to be, of course) so why not get them something they will actually want!?

When I was the belle in a veil, I thought really hard about something I could get my girls that would be different AND didn’t break the bank (this bride was definitely on a B-U-D-G-E-T as I’m sure most of you are). SO after doing tons of pinterest pinning and google searching, I found lots of cute and mostly southern flare presents for my special ladies in my life ALL in one place for cheaper (Amazon)!

1.) Monogram Wood Initial Cut-Out

71mJY9pob0L._SL1500_I mean it is the right of passage as a southern girl to have monogramed everything right? Well, this was a PERFECT gift for my southern belles to show how much I loved them! I asked each one what their favorite color was and painted the wood letters since they came in unfinished wood. I had some girls display this over their mantel and one even hung it on her door inside a wreath! SWOON! ❤ You can find it here !

2.) Cute Mug, Assortment of hot teas & Pearl Jewelry


Now you may look at this and think, these three things don’t necessarily go together BUT I will tell you how I used them to make a very cute gift. First, find a cute mug. I’m not sure about you but I LOVE coffee and hot tea and I absolutely adore a cute mug. I suggest something like the one pictured to the left which can be found here ( You’re Like Really Pretty coffee mug ) because who doesn’t love mean girls? Then, get some packs of different flavored hot teas. I recommend Harney & Sons variety like the one found here (Harney & Sons Tea) and put a few packs inside each mug. You can then purchase some pearl ear rings like these here or you can do a pearl bracelet or necklace and also put that inside the mug. Then here is what I did to tie it all together.. I printed a card that said

“Sweeter than tea you are to me, more precious than a pearl, I’m getting hitched and need my chicks, Will you be my girl!”

My girls absolutely loved it! ❤

3.) A planner/Agenda

91QTKMWELRL._SY450_Being a bride means there are lots of important dates to look forward too! Bridal showers, engagement parties, bachelorette weekends, etc. That is a lot of dates and activities to keep up with! Why not make it easier on your girls by getting them a planner and already marking the important dates so they are ahead of the game!? One planner I swear by is the Lily Pulitzer Planner , It as a 17 month planner that is organized by month, day and even has sections to write notes and important dates. It also includes fun stickers, what girl wouldn’t love that!?



4.)A Cute Phone Case

81niyFtzpCL._SL1500_71Arjt0cJ4L._SL1050_61h2WFvpN+L._SL1050_.jpgLets face it, our phones are our life. We spend SO much time on it and look at it constantly. Your girls will be on it even more since they have so many pics to take documenting all the bridal moments. Why not give them something pretty to look at like a new phone case! Now, this will require you knowing what type of phone your girls have but that won’t be hard to figure out! I recommend something southern and girly of course and maybe the same style but different colors or monogramed so your girls know whose phone is whose when you get together! I have listed some choices found to the left! (I have posted iPhone choices since that seems to be the most popular phone case search) I have posted the links in order from left to right below! 🙂

Option 1- Floral iphone case

Option 2 – Teal and Black iPhone Case

Option 3- Grey Chevron iPhone case

5.) A Tote

Now I know this is a very popular one, but it truly is something that can be used over and over again! A tote is a must-have for the bachelorette weekend get aways to pack all the different outfit choices you’ll be bringing to mix and match with all your girls. It is also a must-have come wedding day to bring all the essentials along! I recommend one fairly large and again possibly in different colors or with initials so everyone knows whose is whose. If you can’t find different colors or ones that you can monogram, I recommend tying a different color bow/ribbon on the strap – this is a cheap and cute way to distinguish between the bags! A great option is the picture above (found here)!

6.) A Robe-

Coral Soft Rayon Floral Bridesmaids Getting Ready Robes,One Size Fits 0-14This is also a very popular one but for good reason! It’s no surprise that when us girls are getting ready, we wait until the very last minute to get changed into what we want to wear. This will definitely be the case come wedding day!

However, there are a few things to remember! Traditional robes are heavy and you can get very hot while getting ready in them. That being said, come wedding day, you and your girls will most likely get very hot while getting ready meanwhile having a camera on you taking the pre-ceremony photos. SO, it is very important that you pick out a breathable/light robe.

Now, you might being reading this and say, thats a great idea but I have also seen the white shirts and they are very cute! Yes, they are, but I  recommend a robe over the white button up shirts and here’s why. White shirts are WHITE and you are around make-up that can stain and those stains show up in pictures! For example, I was part of a wedding that had the white shirts, the bride wanted us to wear read lip stain on our lips and as you would have guessed it, while someone was applying the lip stain, they dropped it and it went down the whole front of the white shirt. She had to hide behind another girl in the photos so it wouldn’t show. So, yes, the shirts look really cute, but they are hard to clean and will most likely will not get worn as much as a robe.

So, I’m sure you absolutely adore the getting ready photos as much as I do because its time with all your girls and there is just pure excitement in the air! I’m sure you can agree that you love them even more when all the girls look super cute in their matching robes. Just remember, try and pick a robe that is breathable and not too bulky – Some great examples can be found here & here!

Amazon even sells them as a set which includes one for the bride which can be found here!

What was your favorite bridesmaid gift ever given!? As always, I would love to hear from you 🙂 Hope you enjoyed!

Blessings ❤

Ashley Mae

Header Photo Credit – The Picture Guy Photography, LLC


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